Thursday, February 14, 2013

Throwback Thursday- The Valentine's Day Edition

We decided to make Thursdays outtake day. But today isn't just any Thursday. It's Valentine's Day! So here are Lily's Challenges of Valentine's Days Past!

Valentine's Day 2012

Valentine's Day 2011

And for fun, let's play! Remember, 2012 is the title of a John Bucchino Song, and 2011 is two parts- show and song. That makes this a three-part challenge! Surprise!


  1. Okay this is just a guess I'm not sure, Guys and Dolls Your Rocking the Boat

  2. Darn! I figured since she was holding a nice big heart she probably wasn't rocking a boat. But it was all I could come up with!

  3. Such a stretch...
    2012 is Love Quiz
    2011 is Sugar Babies? And The Sugar Baby Bounce?

  4. Babes in Arms, My Funny Valentine is correct :)

  5. Oh, crap. THAT WAS IT.
