Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What's in a Name?

Here's a little something to keep you entertained on this rainy Wednesday afternoon.

This October we're doing something we've never done before: we're taking our show on the road! Members of Momentum Repertory Company will travel to Conneaut, Ohio (hometown of Ryan Smith- husband of co-founder Mindy Smith) to perform a concert. It will be a benefit for both MRC and the church where Ryan and Mindy were married. The details are coming together quickly and will be announced soon, but we don't know what to call it!

Here's what we do know:
Six singers and a pianist (and a husband and a two-year-old) will travel from the east Coast to Ohio.
We'll sing songs from the classic music theatre canon, as well as some brand new songs.
The money will help fund future projects for Momentum Rep, and will help fund new stained glass panels for the church.
Clever names are important to us.

Let's see if we can get this thing named by the end of the work day. Submit by commenting below, or commenting on our facebook page.

Ready.... go!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Momentum Fans, we'll be continuing our "Momentum: A History" Series soon. But we've all been a little distracted by the recent kidnapping of a friend of ours.

Maggie Greenwich has been kidnapped by pirates. She's being held in the kickstarter video box until she can raise $3000. We all really care about Maggie and are doing everything we can to help her.

How can you help?

1. Go to the kickstarter site. Click here.
You can see her, learn about her story, and donate to help get her out.

2. Spread the word: Post the kickstarter website on your facebook page and twitter. Email it to your friends. Tell everyone you know. The more people spread the word, the faster we can raise the money to get her out of there. Change your profile pic to the "Free Maggie" logo and let the world know where you stand on pirate kidnapping.

3. Encourage Maggie: Follow @MaggieInNYC on twitter. Check out what she's doing on kickstarter, as well as on the Momentum Rep youtube page, which can be found here.
Email messages and videos of encouragement to Maggie. (You can send them to We'll make sure she gets the messages.)

4. Beware of pirates. Watch your friends closely. Friends don't let friends get kidnapped by pirates, nor do they let them become pirates.

Help us help Maggie.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's Raining Men,Part 1

Lesson Number One: It's hard to find enough boys.

It seems that it doesn't matter where you are, or what kind of theatre you're doing. It's hard to find enough boys.

As the summer of 2008 began, I had asked three male students at Five Towns to participate in "Godspell." Rudy Valme would play the role of Jesus, Kevin Story would play John/ Judas, and Chris Duffy would sing "All Good Gifts." But Godspell was written for five men. And we had absolutely no idea where we would get the other two.

That July 4th I was singing at the wedding of a former student. She had been in my first seventh grade class, which made me feel incredibly old. She told me that I'd be singing "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge with a high school buddy of her future husband. Then I felt old and snobby. "Should I practice backing off? Who is this kid?" I was willing to sing any song for her under any circumstances, but I was seriously concerned by the idea of singing a duet with a former high school show choir star. But the bride assured me that he was theatre major, and that she was pretty sure it would be fine.

I went to the rehearsal in Conneaut, Ohio kinda sorta prepared. And there, I met up with Andrew, who was told he would be singing with his buddy's fiance's former middle school choir director. He anticipated singing with a school marm, I anticipated singing with a hometown hero. And the rehearsal began.

Me: We should probably run this real quick before the rehearsal begins.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean, whatever.

Me: Which notes do you do at the end? The melody or the harmony?

Andrew: Whatever. I mean, I can do either.

Me: Well, I mean, I can do either, too.

*blank stare from both*

Me: (deciding I was going to need to be the teacher in this situation) OK, we'll do it as written. I'll do the melody.

Andrew: Sure. Whatever.

And then we started to sing.


We're both... kind of... awesome. We have very similar voices that sound pretty great together. This was not what either of us expected.

And we spent the rest of the rehearsal and wedding with a very different attitude.

At some point between the rehearsal and the wedding, Ryan suggested I invite Andrew to join the cast of Godspell. It seemed like a pretty crazy idea. I knew he was a strong enough performer, but we had only just met him, and he lived in Chicago. The only way that would work is if he came to NYC and stayed with us for two weeks. Who in the world would be willing to stay with total strangers to do a show for no pay with a brand new company no one has ever heard of?

It turns out, Andrew was.

We might have spoken three times between the wedding and the night Ryan and I went to pick him up at the airport. I had to text him and ask what he was wearing (awkward) because I didn't remember what he looked like. I sent Jackie a text as we sat in the car:

At the airport waiting for Andrew. This is seriously happening.

Her response:

Stop. This is the beginning.

Ryan teased Andrew later that night. "You had to be just a little bit concerned that there wasn't going to be a car at the airport and this whole thing was a giant joke." He claimed he wasn't worried. But his parents were.

Since then, Andrew has become a Momentum Rep regular, as well as a close friend of our family. He was one of our most consistent crash couchers until he moved to New York, and even then he stayed with us for a few weeks until his lease started. We have often told the story of how we met at a wedding in Ohio, only to become close friends. And it is a great story.

But the truth is, it's only the first of a lot of crazy things that happened in that first production. be continued...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Make Me a Show

(top- the first concert at The Spoon Theater. bottom- Mindy and Jackie enjoying an evening in their typical style.)

I was walking through the snow from Target to the mall. I'd done a little early Christmas shopping and was loaded down with packages. My phone rang. It was Jackie.

"Make me a show," she said.

"Excuse me?"

"I don't care what it is. Will you make me a show? I need you to make me a show."

Between the snow and the packages and the generally cryptic nature of this conversation, I was getting frustrated. So I ducked into the nearest door, which happened to be the women's department of the Macy's at the Queens Center Mall. I can still picture the gold boxes of Godiva chocolate wrapped with red ribbon and stacked neatly on tables. I stood and stared at them, packages at my feet, while Jackie told me her tale of woe. For the sake of privacy and people's feelings, I won't go into detail. But it involved an audition, a community theatre, and some questionable casting. She was not happy.

Once we got past this part of the story, I was finally able to understand what she wanted.

She wanted me to make her a show.

She wanted us to start a company that made casting decisions based on talent, and educational opportunities. A company that rewarded loyalty while allowing for new talent. A company where people could find a home, and make friends. But one that didn't cast people in inappropriate roles based on politics.

Of course, one does not just "make a show." We were incredibly naive about many things regarding theatre production, but we did at least know that much. So we started small. We put on a cabaret that January, while we were both on break from our respective colleges where we each served as adjuncts. I invited a few promising students to join us, and we sang for about thirty people at The Spoon Theater. (our first event held at this venue.)

I wish I could explain what was special about that night. Maybe some of the people who sang can help me by commenting below. But whatever else it was, it was fun. And the quality was strong. And we knew the plan. And it was just an overall pleasant day. And whatever else we knew, one thing was clear. This group needed to continue.

About a month later, Jackie and I met at Starbucks. (often referred to now as The MRC Annex Office.) We would become an official group. Eventually, anyway. We'd produce a show. We knew it would be "Godspell," and we knew I would direct, as we had discussed this dream many times before. We would choose actors who were on their way. Artists who had the training. And the drive. And the skills. Just maybe not the resume. (This was, after all, the opportunity I was being offered as a director, making my directorial debut.)

We needed a name. And we sat there for what felt like hours. I could not tell you a single idea that we tossed around, because they were all forgettable. Until we went back to the purpose of the group. Helping young artists stay motivated while building their resume. Helping more experienced artists keep their passion alive while focusing on other areas of their lives.

We wanted to help people maintain momentum. And once we used that word the first time, we couldn't imagine calling ourselves anything else.

And Momentum Repertory Company was born.

~Mindy Kay Smith, Artistic Director, Momentum Rep

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Maggie the Pirate, Revealed

I got a lot of private messages yesterday after the answer to Lily's Challenge was revealed. It seems that a lot of you have never heard of the musical "Maggie the Pirate." Well, I'm not surprised.

It's never been produced.

But it will be.(You may be asking yourself at this point, "Wait- then how did Kevin Story know the answer to yesterday's challenge?" Two things. First, he saw a few of the songs performed on our New Works Concert. But second, and way more important- it's Kevin Story. We don't question these things.)

Momentum Repertory Company is thrilled to announce that we will present a workshop of "Maggie the Pirate," a brilliant new musical by James Armstrong and Joshua H. Cohen, this August. The workshop production will feature Mindy Kay Smith, Jackie Jacobi-McCauley, Michelle Silvani, and Christopher Robert Duffy. (fifth cast member TBA.)Tom Hoefner will direct.

We'll be updating you with Maggie news and progress a lot in the coming months, so check back often, and be sure to "like" us on facebook for all the latest information.

Our Final Week in Review

Answers and Winners for Lily's Final Week of Challenges:

Wednesday: Spelling Bee. (This was a tough one. There were some factors that didn't make it into the video. Like, a number 13 that Lily was supposed to wear but refused. She was also having trouble shaking just the one foot. But we'll forgive her. Because she's not even two. And cute enough to get away with nearly anything.) Winner- Nicole Huett.

Thursday: Assassins. (Squeaky Fromme and Sarah Jane Moore stare at a KFC bucket, it's a famous moment from the show.) Winner- Deanna DeCampos. Appropriate, since Lily's Mommy played "Squeaky" to Deanna's "Moore."

Friday: Hello Dolly. (She was saying hello, to... the dolly. Simple as that.)Winner- Jaime Vacca-Hoefner.

Saturday: South Pacific. (There was a little man. And she was washing him out of her hair.) Winner- Janet Smith, Lily's Mimi.

Sunday: The Music Man. (Sure, she had a horn. But she wasn't playing it. Instead, she was singing "la la la...") Winner- Heather Helms, who then joined Steven and Andrea in retirement.

Monday was a melt-down night at the Smith house. And we already did "Cry Baby."

Tuesday: Cats. (No explanation necessary. But it is important to note here, that this musical was chosen because Lily makes such a cute cat. Momentum Rep does NOT condone this musical. In any way.) Winner- Mikelle Adgate. Who was very excited about her first win :)

Wednesday: Maggie the Pirate. (Lily was dressed as a pirate, but from her own closet, the way Maggie dresses at first..) Winner- Kevin Story.

And that concludes THIS series of Lily's Challenge. But never fear, Momentum fans. We had such a great response that we'll be continuing the challenge. Just not on such a consistent basis. We're thinking weekly, but we'll let you know ;)

In the meantime, stay tuned for our March blog series- Momentum: A History- where MRC members tell some of our favorite stories.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lily's Final Challenge

*note from Mommy: It's just the costume we're looking at, here. The fact that she's watching "Horton Hears A Who" is just the source of distraction so I could take the picture.*

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Late Tuesday Challenge

Two videos. One show. A super cute kid.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Saturday Challenge

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Challenge for February 25

Lily is busy potty training, but she's not too busy to do her daily challenge!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 24 Challenge

This one speaks for itself. Either you know it, or you don't.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Challenge for February 23

Alright, this one is admittedly more difficult. Mommy and Daddy know exactly what she's doing, but it may not be as evident to Lily's non-parent fans. We'll leave it as-is for now, but we'll post clues as needed.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 3 in Review

Lily says "Woah! This week got crazy!" Here are the answers and winners.

Tuesday- "Cry Baby." (we were trying to get her to do something else, but she wasn't having it. That's what happens when less-than-two-year-olds are stars...) Winner: Andrea Tipton-Rudolph.

Wednesday- "Dreamgirls." (with Lily in the dress she didn't wear in Aunt Jackie's wedding, because she had two...) Winner: Andrea Tipton-Rudoph. Again.

Thursday- "Stomp." (we've been watching this movie a lot this week- did you know it's available on netflix instant view? Lily loves to wear her boots and bang things together.) Winner: Kathleen Moran.

Friday- "Rent." (Apparently this was a tough one! Not even Executive Director Jackie Jacobi could get it for a moment! The key was taking it very, very literally. You guys just didn't give Lily enough credit. She was costumed, and doing the choreography from "La Vie Boheme." Don't worry, Lily has NOT seen "Rent.") Winner: Newlywed Adam Sabados.

Saturday: Oops. Mommy and Daddy were busy getting ready for poker night, and this one slipped by us. But we promise we'll pretend it's Leap Year and extend February by one day to make sure we get all 28 challenges in.

Sunday: "Fiddler on the Roof." (that's Mommy's violin that she played in school. And the vest is one Mommy wore when she was the MD for a production a couple years ago. Lily had fun with this one.) Winner: Andrea Tipton-Rudolph. But this was the day things got nasty, when an argument ensued regarding retirement, and who should answer. So, special recognition to John Thomas Murphy, who also knew the answer. And with her third win, Andrea joined the ranks of the retired.

Monday: "Peter Pan." (This talent of Lily's is what inspired Lily's Challenge to begin with. Lily crows along with Peter. It's hysterical. And so, so cute.) Winner: Kathleen Moran.

Tuesday: "The Pajama Game." (Aside from the adorable pink pajamas, Lily was holding- well, eating- a sign that demanded "7 1/2 cents.") Winner: Devin Butler, who has been just WAITING for a show she knew. ;)

There's one week left, folks. Keep following us, and remember to post it to your profiles so your friends can play along!

A Morning Challenge

This is what happens when toddlers protest...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Challenge for February 21

We're all pretty proud of this one...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Challenge #17

She enjoyed this one. Our neighbors, I fear, probably did not.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Challenge #16

I was in a better mood today ;)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 2 in Review

*This picture isn't of a show, it's just the little diva in her off time.*

Some tough ones, some easy ones, here's what Lily had for you this past week. Be sure to post the links on facebook so others can see how much fun this is ;)

Day #8- "Oliver." (Lily was wearing a cute little hat, holding our her bowl, and asking for "more." Winner- Steven McCasland.

Day #9- "The Little Mermaid." (pretty self explanatory. She was dressed like a mermaid. Fun fact, she refused to take off her bathing suit for the rest of the day.) Winner- Faatimah Blossom.

Day #10- "Annie." (the costume was obvious enough. The part that threw a few of you- she was standing in front of a calendar page that said February 11, 2011. It was posted on February 10, making that calendar day "tomorrow." Get it? Get it? She was also holding a little dog and wearing a little heart necklace.) Winner- Kevin Story.

Day #11- "Thoroughly Modern Millie." (Again, obvious enough, she was dressed like Millie. But you may not have noticed that she threw down a ticket at the end of the video. That was intentional.) Winner- Ryan Smith, Lily's Daddy. He wasn't home when it was posted, we promise.

Day #12- "Hairspray." (Aside from her cute little 60's outfit, she's dancing with hairspray. If you listen carefully, she's actually making little spraying sounds.) Winner- Steven McCasland. (Who, at that point, was asked to retire.)

Day #13- "Chess." (She was playing chess, but was also wearing an American flag tshirt.) Winner- Heather Helms.

Day #14- The song was "My Funny Valentine" from the show "Babes in Arms." (She was dressed in her Valentine's Day cutest and laughing, and in the picture she was holding, well, babes, in her arms.) You guys really had trouble with that one! But the winner- Nicole Huett.

Keep playing and sharing- and no one has guessed today's yet! Post it on your wall and see if your friends can help!

Tuesdays can be Rough

Fortunately, there's a musical for everything.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Two-Part Holiday Challenge

The video is the song, the picture is the show. We're looking for BOTH THE SONG AND THE SHOW.

Love- Lily

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Challenge #13

Challenge #12

The face she's making in the beginning isn't part of it. That's just a fun bonus.

Friday, February 11, 2011


In anticipation of your questions- yes, that is Mommy's skirt, no, it doesn't fit her. We used lots of safety pins. Jerks.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Challenge #8

It's very very quiet, but you can read her lips ;)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 1 in Review

Wow! Lily caused quite a stir with her challenge! And there has been some concern over who was "first" on a few of her challenges. (you guys take your music theatre trivia very seriously!) Please know that Lily's Mommy sits at the computer and checks all three locations (this blog, her facebook, and Momentum Rep's facebook) until someone gets the correct answer. Then, she checks the other two locations one more time to make sure it wasn't a tie. So no worries! Wherever you post the answer, she'll find it!

As promised, here are the answers for the week. If you don't want to know, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!

Day 1: "Singin' in the Rain." Winner: Jackie Jacobi (who decided to follow along but retire from guessing, as she and Lily have very similar taste and knowledge in music theatre, and she wanted other to have a chance...) ;)

Day 2: "Seussical." (Gertrude McFuzz singing "The One-Feathered Tail of Miss Gertrude McFuzz." Gertrude plays the guitar during this song, generally. Technically, she doesn't have a long tail yet, but you get the idea. Also, Lily was wearing a Horton tshirt.) Winner: Heather Helms.

Day 3: "Urinetown." (Lily was telling the bunny no. Or, "don't be the bunny.") Winner: Steven McCasland.

Day 4: "The Secret Garden." (Lily re-enacted the last moment of Act 1, the bird helps find the key- that's what was in her hand- and the door, and she peaks around into the garden.) Winner:Hadley Schnuck.

Day 5: "The Sound of Music." (Most of you knew this one. Lily was portraying Maria spinning on the mountain top.) Winner: Theone Frank.

Day 6: "Into the Woods." (The cow as white as milk, the hair as yellow as corn, the cape as red as blood, the slipper as pure as gold. This is what the witch needs to break the spell.) Winner: Jaime Hoefner.

Day 7: "Little Shop of Horrors." (Sitting in the giant plant.) Winner: Steven McCasland.

We're having a lot of fun with this- please post it to your facebook wall and share the fun with your friends! See you tomorrow!

Monday Challenge

We're hoping your Monday went better than ours- but hopefully this makes you smile a little. :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Challenge #5

Come on. You know this is the cutest thing you've seen all day.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Challenge #4

With special appearance by Daddy's arm.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Challenge #3

Look quick, and turn up the volume.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 2

First person to guess correctly gets their first drink on the house tonight ;)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We'll start with an easy one...

Lily's Challenge

This is Lily- the official baby of Momentum Repertory Company. She came to us during our second mainstage production. Her Mommy- Artistic Director Mindy Kay Smith- was playing Corie in our production of "Barefoot in the Park." Mommy and Daddy (Board Member Ryan) knew they could potentially get the phone call any day that they had been matched to a baby to adopt. None of us anticipated that a baby would arrive six days before we opened. Lily spent time at load-in at the Spoon Theatre before ever seeing the inside of her nursery.

Lily is, of course, a 20-month-old veteran of the theatre, and she is ready to pass on her knowledge. Throughout the month of February, Lily will post a clue each day to a different musical. Check back here each day to test your knowledge against hers. But be warned, the girl knows her stuff!