Lily says "Woah! This week got crazy!" Here are the answers and winners.
Tuesday- "Cry Baby." (we were trying to get her to do something else, but she wasn't having it. That's what happens when less-than-two-year-olds are stars...) Winner: Andrea Tipton-Rudolph.
Wednesday- "Dreamgirls." (with Lily in the dress she didn't wear in Aunt Jackie's wedding, because she had two...) Winner: Andrea Tipton-Rudoph. Again.
Thursday- "Stomp." (we've been watching this movie a lot this week- did you know it's available on netflix instant view? Lily loves to wear her boots and bang things together.) Winner: Kathleen Moran.
Friday- "Rent." (Apparently this was a tough one! Not even Executive Director Jackie Jacobi could get it for a moment! The key was taking it very, very literally. You guys just didn't give Lily enough credit. She was costumed, and doing the choreography from "La Vie Boheme." Don't worry, Lily has NOT seen "Rent.") Winner: Newlywed Adam Sabados.
Saturday: Oops. Mommy and Daddy were busy getting ready for poker night, and this one slipped by us. But we promise we'll pretend it's Leap Year and extend February by one day to make sure we get all 28 challenges in.
Sunday: "Fiddler on the Roof." (that's Mommy's violin that she played in school. And the vest is one Mommy wore when she was the MD for a production a couple years ago. Lily had fun with this one.) Winner: Andrea Tipton-Rudolph. But this was the day things got nasty, when an argument ensued regarding retirement, and who should answer. So, special recognition to John Thomas Murphy, who also knew the answer. And with her third win, Andrea joined the ranks of the retired.
Monday: "Peter Pan." (This talent of Lily's is what inspired Lily's Challenge to begin with. Lily crows along with Peter. It's hysterical. And so, so cute.) Winner: Kathleen Moran.
Tuesday: "The Pajama Game." (Aside from the adorable pink pajamas, Lily was holding- well, eating- a sign that demanded "7 1/2 cents.") Winner: Devin Butler, who has been just WAITING for a show she knew. ;)
There's one week left, folks. Keep following us, and remember to post it to your profiles so your friends can play along!
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